The government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg



Crafted Pathways: Housing for newcomers from third countries

in english

Language level required:

A2 / B1 (compréhension)


ANIJ, 87-89 route de Thionville, L-2611 Luxembourg – Salle de conférence



This program aims to understand the housing market, including the rights and obligations of tenants. Participants will learn to identify the most common scams and traps, as well as how to effectively defend themselves against them.

The program also focuses on raising awareness of trauma related to housing issues, in order to better understand and manage these situations.

En outre, les participants développeront des compétences en matière de négociation, essentielles pour toute interaction liée au logement. Enfin, chacun aura l’opportunité de créer un plan d’action personnel pour appliquer les connaissances acquises et atteindre ses objectifs en matière de logement.

Face-to-face module

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