The government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg



Cinqfontaines, Lieu de commémoration et monument aux victimes de la Shoah

in french

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Centre Cinqfontaines, 2, Klousterstrooss, L-9902 Cinqfontaines


Zentrum fir politesch Bildung

The former Cinqfontaines monastery was built in 1906 by the Catholic Order of the Sacred Heart. During World War II, nearly 300 Jews were interned there before their deportation to Nazi concentration and extermination camps in Eastern Europe.
Come and discover the history of this place and its role in Luxembourg’s past.
La visite sera accompagnée d’une discussion avec M. Marc Cukier, témoin de la deuxième génération.
Note: The tour will take place mainly outdoors. Weather-appropriate shoes and clothing are recommended.

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